5 Ways to ‘Wow’ Buyers Before They Enter Your Front Door

1. Letterbox

Gone are the days of greeting the postie with a standard metal or homemade wooden letterbox. Look around your neighbourhood and you’ll see plenty of different styles; from sleek flat metal openings that sit flush in timber panels or fancy concrete pillars to your standard box and post that’s a whole lot fancier than years gone by.

If your letterbox is old, outdated or a little worse for wear, consider replacing it before you put your home on the market. Observe other homes or conduct online research in order to find one that suits the style of your home. Avoid quirky letterboxes unless your home is unique and calls for something a little different.

2. Garden

Whatever the size of your front garden, every effort should be made to present it at its absolute best when you’re selling your home. Landscaping can be expensive so set yourself a budget and shop around so you get the most out of your money.

If your budget allows, fill existing garden beds with new soil and toppings. Pull out dead or straggly plants and trim back bushes and hedges. If garden space is limited what about installing a vertical garden?

If you have a lawn, eradicate any weeds and treat it with fertiliser so it looks lush and green and when mowing don’t mow too short or too long.

3. Path to the door

Walk out to the footpath in front of your home and clear your mind then begin walking slowly toward your front door; imagine you’re arriving for the first time. Observe your surroundings every step of the way. Is the path clear, unbroken and easy to walk on? What meets the edge of the path – overgrown plants? Tired edging? Overgrown lawn? What do you see when you keep your eyes up, focussed toward your destination?

Tidy or upgrade anything along your path (including the path if it’s in a bad state) to ensure the journey to the front door is a pleasant one.

4. Entrance

Consider how you can bring a ‘wow’ factor to your entrance way. Is there room for a small table and chair with an inviting cushion or maybe a bench seat? Would a cluster of small pots of varying heights filled with lush green plants do the trick or is your entryway more commanding of large statement piece planters? What does the light look like? Is it a cheap shade, just a bulb or an outdated style? If you’re lacking ideas Pinterest is an excellent resource for seeing how entrances can work for different homes. Remember, sometimes less is more.

Clear away cobwebs and dust and clean any windows or glass near your entry.

5. Door

There is nothing that says a bigger ‘Welcome’ than a stunning front door. Is yours ready to be replaced or can you work with what you have? Look online for plenty of door ideas and don’t forget your bell or knocker.


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