Ivy Mao
Head of Property Management
6/899 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill 3128

“There are no problems, only solutions.”
Living by this motto throughout her career, Ivy Mao has garnered a reputation for professional excellence across a broad range of industries in an equally broad range of countries.
Originally from Changchun, China, Ivy studied Business Management in Singapore before embarking on a career as a cruise ship trade executive working in Hong Kong, Canada and the United States.
As well as being a CEO’s assistant in Shanghai and running her own restaurant in Australia, Ivy’s road to real estate has been colourful, creative and adventurous.
Now with a wealth of experience in all-things property management, Ivy Mao is an integral part of Noel Jones’s dynamic Mitcham rental department.
Multi-lingual, impressively organised and always radiating a positive attitude, Ivy has an impressive skill-set that is appreciated by her landlords and tenants alike.