Autumn – an opportune time to sell

The season festooned with the glorious hues of yellows, red and oranges isn’t traditionally the most popular time to put your property on the market. Spring and summer are usually favoured for pegging that “For Sale” sign up, but after a tumultuous year like no other, autumn is now shaping up as the golden time to sell. Have you been umming and ahing about selling, or daydreaming about achieving a stellar price for your property? Give your head (and heart) some time to digest these market factors and you might just find the confidence and motivation to lock in a real estate agent for your property in the coming weeks.

Record-low interest rates
In part to fuel the economy during the pandemic, the Reserve Bank has set a record-low interest rate; banks are offering fantastic deals making it hard for homebuyers to resist. Instead of the predicted freefall in prices, the Victorian housing market is enjoying remarkable growth. Buyers have an extra reserve in their pockets, which is pushing up prices – making now a great time to capitalise on your investment.

Tis the season of ideal weather
Spring is surprisingly wet and the heat often plays havoc in summer; autumn boasts the most agreeable and reliable conditions. In the coming weeks, your property’s curb appeal can be at its best, with autumn’s bounty of colours enveloping the trees and framing gardens, and less chance of a pesky heatwave sucking the life out of your greenery. Furthermore, it’s the perfect time to embrace buyers with a cosy autumnal abode. A fresh seasonal palette (think rugs, throws and cushions) can invigorate buyers’ senses and offer the promise of a fresh start.

Motivated buyers are on the hunt
Now that the Christmas rush is well behind us and holidays are over, those who missed out on that coveted home have a renewed sense of drive. While the holiday period undoubtedly has those “summer snoops” peeking in open properties, now is the time serious buyers are searching. And with limited stock on the market during autumn, there is less competition for your home, meaning you are more likely to achieve a great sale price.

We Victorians are quickly learning we are a very adaptable bunch in the face of uncertain times; there’s a sense of optimism, especially in the housing market. Enthusiastic homebuyers are ready to pounce. For many, it’s time to make the most of this unique season to achieve a great sale.



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